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This is a translated archive of Ryu Umemoto's commentaries in his own tracks, found in RST Music Disk for PC-9801 Vol. 3, a doujin disk collection by Ryokusui Software which featured songs made using the PMD driver, including arrangements of popular songs as well as original tracks by composers who worked with the driver, which were played along a pixel art and the commentary made by the composer about the currently playing song on the screen, as examplified below:

The pixel art on Umemoto's section of the Disk is pretty

Disclaimer: almost all of the games cited in this page contain adult content. You won't find any in this website, but you should avoid checking out information about them if you're uncomfortable or below 18. I've included 🔞 warnings in the links that lead to pages hosting adult content.

The track order is according to how it's presented in the RST Music Disk, the titles are formatted as RST Music Disk Name (PMD Filename) / Official Release Name (Track Number). If there's 2 names in the PMD Filename part, the first is how it's named on the Disk and the second is how it's named on the hoot package.

I've also included links for unnofficial uploads of the songs when available as of writing this document. The hoot link at the beginning will contain the original PMD files for the songs, and it's safe from copyright detection (probably) so it's the most reliable way to play the music. But if there are any broken links, as well as translation mistakes or bugs you find feel free to report to me in DMs twitter.
If you know japanese and want to read the original comments but don't have the RST Disk files, you can check the screenshots the translator worked with here, no transcription, sorry.

This translation was made by ComunCoutinho, commissioned and revised by pedipanol. Special thanks to PC98 Audi, GANG FIGHT, hemp and Kabelu, who helped me in one way or another in the revision process. To jaxcheese who gave me the boost of inspiration to get this out of the WIP limbo with his Umemoto fanpage. To caroliscaroles for teaching me how to make this documentation in website form. And to you for reading it!

This project was made in honor of his life and work, I believe knowing the background or anything the artist has to say about their work is key to truly appreciating art. I hope you'll find his commentaries just as fascinating as I found when I first read them.