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2608 Arrangements

2608 arranges of select tracks from Desire, Dengeki Division and Xenon by Umemoto for the RST Music Disk 3

Desire arrangements published by EGG MUSIC RECORDS
VGMdb | Official Release Website (archive, not available to purchase)

Unofficial uploads:


No. 01 - Ishtal “Desire” (DES_01B2.M2) / Ishtal (YM-2608,1995ver) (Track 2-08)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


I started composing Desire’s tracks when I had just learned Morse Code and wanted to use it somewhere. I translated the first 4 letters of Ishtal (I think that’s the name of some goddess from Greek mythology…) to Morse Code and added it to the scale. I remembered the studio’s engineer telling me that I would be scolded by the Broadcast Association if I didn’t change the rhythm, so I also changed it into a more musical tune.

By the way, this “Complete Version” is matched both with the SpeakBoard’s ADPCM as well as 86PCM, so an 86Board can reproduce it perfectly.

No. 26 - Dimensional “Desire” (DES_26B2.M2) / Reflector (YM-2608,1995ver) (Track 2-09)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


A “Remix” done because the guys at C’s Ware loved this track but I thought the PSG Drums were pitiful. The portamento on the main melody was done manually, and I remember it taking a lot of work… (laughs) Can we do the portamento by command on the next version, KAJA? (^_^)

In the player survey, many pointed out that the subtitle was supposed to be Reflector instead of Responser… very sharp comments. You’we compwetewy wight (ç_ç). But I’m very glad you were paying attention…

Ending in Fact (DES_EDB2.M2) / Beginning (YM-2608,1995ver) (Track 2-10)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


The true ending theme. I made this version because many of you cried on this scene (according to my Nifty¹ searches). I can’t make fun of you because I also teared up playing the test version sent to me (without the music) (^^;

Desire uses PMD’s synchronized code function to improvise a cinematic presentation, so even though there aren’t spectacularly animated scenes, I believe the presentation is still quite effective. I made this Complete Version in KAJA’s house, so in the middle of the work KAJA came up to me and started saying “We’re really living in the era of augmentation-tation-tion (enigmatic)”, which made switch some of the Sus4 chords for Aug.

¹ He might be talking about Nifty, the largest ISP in japan at the time

Dengeki Division

No. 02 - Forest (DMM_02B2.M2)


Sorry for the sudden change of game (laughs). I get flashbacks to when I was still an employee for that company (I was 18 at the time) and the president requested (read: threatened me) to use his driver if I wanted to stay on the job. (^^;

This is the first track I composed using the PMDB2. The first half was composed imagining a forest full of enemies, and the second half is the open meadow you find after escaping the forest.


No. 02 - Xenon (XEN_02B2.M2)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


Xenon’s main theme. At first, I composed it for a free demo, but then I used it for the credits. I wanted to add some phrase samplings, but the PCMData was shared, so I had to go for the closest substitute.

After that, I just made everything richer, and ended with something conceptually not all that different from DES_01B2.MML

No. 21 - Towering Past (XEN_21B2.M2)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


This game has an awful amount of climax themes to pick from, but I chose this track because it’s the most popular one.

It’s a pretty simple remix, but if that’s fine to satisfy its composer, then it should be golden (self-importance).

No. 24 - Magnify Dark (XEN_24B2.M2)

Complete Version.(For SPB)


A sample codenamed “Kubba Hit” was in the sample set, so I decided to arrange a version of this one just for fun (laughs). Also the order of the soundtracks in this selection was chosen randomly. How did it go?